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All new interior design and decorating video podcast episodes free to stream on YouTube every other Wednesday.

Floorily is excited to announce the official debut of our new video podcast series on YouTube, Design Time: From the Floor Up with host Lindsay the Stager.

Through the Design Time series, we aim to both educate and entertain casual and professional viewers alike with fun and helpful interior design know-how. From flooring to paint colors to decorative accents, we’ll explore a variety of topics through weekly featured guests in the industry.

In a riotous first episode that will surely set the tone for the rest of this ongoing series, Lindsay interviewed Floorily’s CEO, David Requa, as the featured guest. The discussion ranged wildly through topics like business, UTIs, jargon, shopping, pricing, boating, cat towers and palm fronds, quartz countertops, rugs, and BNI groups. This incredibly entertaining and informative 45-minute podcast can’t be missed! View the full episode here.

Lindsay the Stager

In the opening segment of episode 1, Lindsay talks about who she is and what to expect from Design Time: From the Floor Up (edited from the original transcript for readability):

“Hello everyone! This is our–what is it–our debut video podcast of From the Floor Up with Lindsay the Stager. My last name is Wilson and I am married to a man whose last name is Meares, but for the first six years of my eight-year-old daughter’s life, she thought that my last name was “The Stager”. That’s my business, Lindsay the Stager. I am a home stager/decorator.

I’m going to be here talking to you and we’re going to cover all topics: kids, husbands, work, single working mamas, urinary tract infections. We’re going to cover it all, from the floor up, is my point. And somewhere along the lines, we’re going to talk to realtors, other designers, other stagers.”

Fun, Funny & Educational

Lindsay goes on to introduce Floorily co-founder David Requa, who says, “We’re a flooring company, but we created Design Time not to sell floors, but really to just connect our audience with interesting information about making your house look beautiful. We know obviously that floors are a part of that, but there’s a lot of other elements that go into making a beautiful home.

“From the paint colors to the decor to plants and all kinds of fun stuff. Like, everyone’s watching HGTV which gives some cool ideas and inspiration, but we want to provide even more granular information. Like, let’s get down to the nitty gritty and let’s not have all the drama that you get with your HGTV shows.” Well, as Lindsay points out, maybe a little bit of drama…

David continues, “We’re just gonna have a little bit of fun and we’re so excited to get this going. This is something we’ve been working on for a few months and I just hope people find it entertaining. That’s what we’re here to do, entertain and educate at the same time. Let’s talk about design, let’s talk about style, let’s talk about UTI’s like Lindsay said.”
Meet Your Host: Lindsay the Stager

Watch Schedule

This new vidcast airs every other Wednesday at 6am EST on the Design Time: From the Floor Up YouTube channel. Subscribe to the channel to get updates on new episodes and additional content as well as news about upcoming audio-only channels on your favorite apps like Spotify and Apple Podcasts. In the meantime, drop by Floorily’s or Lindsay’s Facebook page to let us know what you think!

Viewers should also be aware that this content is not intended for children. Some episodes may include profanity or topics NSFW.


  • Britney

    Britney is the Director of Content at Floorily. When she's not busy producing podcasts, designing social media graphics, and planning advertising campaigns, Britney loves to home brew wine and hike in Northern Michigan with her Blue Heeler sidekick, Calypso. Kreiner Britney