Author: Sarah Dyer


  • Sarah Dyer Headshot

    Sarah is the Communications Manager at Floorily. With a strong background in digital marketing, she develops strategies and marketing material to help grow and promote Floorily. In her free time, Sarah enjoys camping, hiking, and being a passenger on flights flown by her aviator husband. Dyer Sarah
The Importance Of Lighting In Interior Design - Floorily
Education, Home Owners, Interior Design

The Importance of Lighting in Interior Design

Exploring The Art Of Illumination Lighting is an essential element in interior design, as it can transform a space and create a mood. Home interior lighting is crucial... Read more.
Stylish modern home kitchen backsplash with patterned tile design and easy backsplash ideas
Education, Home Owners, Interior Design

Modern Kitchen Backsplash Ideas for Stylish Homes

Stylish Modern Kitchen Backsplash Ideas When designing your kitchen, the backsplash is a great way to add style and personality to your cooking space. With a wide... Read more.